In the overall reproduction cycle, ovulation is a crucial stage. Ovulation ensures that a woman is capable of bearing a child, which is why ovulation kits are used to make sure whether a woman is ovulating or not. Wondering what is ovulation and how to find the right ovulation time? Here’s what the Best IVF Doctors in Delhi say.
During ovulation, the matured egg is typically discharged from the ovary. It then travels to the fallopian tube and stays alive there for about 12-14 hours. The anterior pituitary gland secrets a hormone known as the LH or Luteinizing hormone. When you consult the Best IVF Doctor in Rohini, you would get to know that women can ovulate only when the LH is released. The ovulation kit works exactly like a pregnancy test kit and they detect the hormone secreted in urine.
Mostly, the normal menstruating cycle is about twenty-eight days. This means that ovulation is likely to happen around the 14th day. But, the ovulation may vary according to the cycle length of each woman. You can consult the Best IVF Centers in Delhi if you have been seeing a doctor for your infertility or you can start the test on the fertile days. For testing, you can begin testing the urine once a day and on getting a positive ovulation, the egg has to be fertilized within the next 12-24 hours.
Ovulation kits are used to understand the exact dates of ovulation. Just like a pregnancy kit, the predictability of ovulation kits is about 97% accurate and you can start the test from the 12 to 28 day of your cycle. On these days, you can use the ovulation kit to determine whether you can get pregnant or not and if you are ovulating or not.
In case you think you are still not able to conceive after numerous positive results on the ovulation kits, it's better to consult the Best IVF Centers in Delhi.
You should consult the top IVF Treatment Hospitals in Delhi as soon as you can. Starting the treatment earlier can increase the success rates manifold. If you have been trying to get pregnant for years, consider IVF as a potential option. The doctors can guide you through the entire process and help you understand IVF easily.
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